Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Things We Hope to do as Cadette Girl Scout

1) ghost in the graveyard
2) camping
3) roasting marshmallows
4) eating yummy food
5) playing games
6) having adventures
7) taking trips
8) petting animals
9) swimming
10) doing our blog
11) roasting socks
12) singing songs
13) getting really muddy
14) lemonade
15) watching movies
16) creeking
17) clay wall
18) archery
19) zoo
20) sleeping
21) cooking
22) Camp Libbey
23) climbing trees
24) night hikes
25) magic rocks

1. Ms Debbie can't wait to do HIGH ROPES with girls!
2. Ms. Debbie also wants to so zip lines and climbing walls.
3. More Camping - Ab
4. Engineering (building or designing things) Ab
5. Camp Stoyer -Ab
6. Canoeing or Kayaking -Ab
7. cooking

5.577 pottery
6.Bonita beads based awards journey for silver
9.CSA stuff
12.CSA jamboree

Camp Libby
zip line
High ropes
CSA Winter Retreat at Camp Libby

Financing My Dreams
Make Your Own
New Cuisines
Comic Artist
Digital Movie Maker
Animal Helper

1. Seeing for the trees, for the forest
2. Oh Boy!
3. Babysitting
4. Cooking
5. Sharpening your aim
6. Animal Helper

1. Oh boy
2. Spin it
3. Animal helper

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Night @ the Museum

Senior Girl Scouts with Historical Landmark 

for the First  Girl Scout Charter

Traditional Girl Scout Uniforms

Cadette Girl Scouts sing Girl Scout Songs

This Is Our Repeat Song~Ziggy

Troop 10931 in Museum Sculpture Garden

Cool, creepy light inside of a statue

All aboard the Polar Express

Future Models on Block Chairs

The Thinkers

Hey Hey Girl Scouts



Roll your Scouts

 We Rock and Roll Down a Hill!

Giant  Tire Swing

Emily Picture PERFECT!!!



Ms. Debbie Fearless Leader

Emily's Portrait

Abbie's Portrait

Caitlyn's Portrait


Sarah's Portrait

                                       The DJ Dance Party


Before we went to bed  we made a wish with wish lanterns

Camp Myeerah

At Camp Myeerah Troop 10931 slept in a tree house. We walked through the wetlands and saw un identified bones. When we got back to camp our shoes were filled with water! We  roasted our socks over the fire.(HAHA!)  After that we had dinner (pie iron pizzas or hot dogs) and s'mores! When we went to bed... it was 35 degrees so cold!  Our sleeping bags kept us warm, we woke up in the morning half asleep and went down from our treehouses and made breakfast.  We were happy to get in the car and defrosted our hands and feet. Camp Myeerah was fun!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Toledo Walleye's Girl Scout Jamboree

For the Girl Scouts 100th Anniversary Girl Scouts of Northwest Ohio went to a Toledo Walleyes game.  The Walleyes were facing the Elmira Wolves.  At registration every girl scout put their names into a drawing to ride the Zamboni.  Our own Sarah Holman was called to win a Walleye towel!  Bummer, so close!  After that everyone was able to go on the ice and take pictures with Katrick the catfish, and of course the Toledo Walleye, Spike. While on the ice the girls got to use hockey sticks to hit pucks into the goals.     Then we visited the mezzanine  level and saw many different booths including the Metro Parks, Toledo Zoo,  Spoil & Water Conservation  Reps, and Imagination Station. 

OH NO!  We are in the penalty box. Really we didn't to it!

Troop 10931 Celebrates 100 year Anniversary

  Interaction with a Snake and Turtle from

 The Toledo Zoo

High flying experiments with

 Imagination Station

Look out world here comes

Sarah, Lauren, and Abbie

 time to smooth the ice!

Let's get this party started.


New Walleye Players




Go Walleye!

Showing our Walleye Spirit

Sadly the Walleye's Lost  but we had a great time!


Saturday, April 14, 2012

Science of the Night at Camp Libby


Snowy Owl

 ( Just like Hedwig

 from Harry Potter)

I spy a snake, antler, and a bunch of other things.

We're dissecting owl pellets.

Not a fur ball!


What is this? Is it an alien?


Thanks for helping Ms. Cara!

We found a lot of bones and fur 

the owl pellet looked like a fur ball from a cat!

The science experiments we did were messy and that made for a lot of fun.

We also went on a night hike.

There was a full moon so it was like day time.

It was exciting :) 

Before lights out  we watched a movie, 



We had fun learning about creatures of the night. We talked about different types or bats and owls, their  structure, habits, and habitats.

Is it a liquid or a solid or both?

It is both!

Attack of the gooey stuff!!!