Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Zoo Snooze - Nov 11-12, 2011

On a cool November night, we packed our sleeping bags and headed to the Toledo Zoo for a Zoo Snooze.  Zoo Snooze is a very popular program in Toledo and we joined two other Girl Scout troops for an evening of fun.  We spent time learning about monkeys, fish, reptiles, and others.  We made enrichments for the goats, monkeys, and apes and watched the zoo keepers feed them our creations in the morning.  We got to touch cute little creatures like the goats and some not so cute like rats and hissing roaches.  We spent the night in Nature's Neighborhood with the birds and the ants.

Lauren created the box in the box in the box enrichment for the monkeys.
Cate created the oatmeal and apple gorilla cookies.
Sarah, Jensen, and Abbie created a surprise box with hay and apples for the goats.

My Favorite Part of Zoo Snooze
Jensen - Feeding the Goats
Abbie - Seeing the Monkeys
Caitlyn - Making the Cookies for the Apes
Sarah - When I met Little Toe the goat
Lauren - Watching the White Cheek Gibbdons
Emily - Like the Apes

Trees for Troops - Oct/Nov 2011

Every year the Little Turtle service unit participates in a program called Trees for Troops.  The local Whitehouse Christmas Tree farm supplies Christmas trees to our men and women fighting for our freedom overseas.  The girl scouts provide the decorations for these trees.  Collection boxes are set up in each school and any GS troop who wants to participate can make decorations, banners, cards, and any other items they want to be shipped in the boxes with the trees.

We did several things for Trees for Troops this year.  First we stayed after school with Ms. Baker our art teacher and made tin foil ornaments.  We invited the our two 5th grade troops to join us and 6 of them joined us.  We dedicated an entire troop meeting to making ornaments.  We made clothes pin snowmen, felt ornaments, cinnamon stick bundles, jumping jack ornaments, and huge paper chain garland.

The girls showing off their creations.

Lastly on a busy Sat morning, some of us joined all the other GS of Little Turtle and helped sort and pack the ornaments to be sent overseas.  Duke Wheeler who owns the farm, made it a great day with hot dogs, hot chocolate, bonfires, and all kinds of outdoor fun.  GS Troop 10931 wants to thank all the men and women who serve our country and allow us the freedom to be girl scouts.  THANK YOU

Toledo Food Bank - Oct 15, 2011

One of the requirement to earn our GS Leadership Award was to perform 6 hours of community service.  We dedicated 3 of these hours on a Sat morning to working at the Toledo Food Bank.   We learned how great the need was in our community.  The Toledo Food Bank is the main supplier of food for other small groups such as churches and after school programs.  We were charged with packing 100 calories packs into small 7 pound  boxes.  Each of us took a turn filling boxes and weighing them on the scale.  We started with having everyone try to fill the same box and then quickly discovered we could do more my packing our own box and putting the small box inside the big box.

We Packed 240# of Food!!
Abbie and Jensen gathering the last packs into the white boxes.
Sarah, Lauren, and Caitlyn carrying the filled boxes to the scale as Debbie fills them.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

50 things we love about girl scouts

41. We love Camp Libbey.
2. Abbie like to go camping.
3. We like fishing.
4. Caitlyn likes to go camping.
5. Lauren likes exploring the woods at Camp Libbey
6. We like sleeping in a sleeping bag.
7. Emily likes smores.
8. We love archery
9. Sarah likes summer camp.
10. We like helping Daiseys and Brownies.
11. Caitlyn likes to go on hike.
12. We like flashlights.
13. Abbie and Emily love to get dirty!!!!
14. We like repeat songs.
15. Abbie likes to go swimming!
16. We like night hikes.
17. Sarah likes campfires.
18. We like Zoo Snooze.
19. Caitlyn likes to sell cookies.
20. Sarah likes to go on field trips.
21. We like scavenger hunts.
22. Abbie likes hiking.
23. We like GS food made over the fire.
24. Emily loves crafts.
25. We love to explore.
26.Abbie likes to  got go creeking.
27.We like earning badges.
28. Caitlyn likes to do crafts
29. Sarah likes making new friends with other girl scouts.
30. Lauren likes trips.
31. Abbie likes making pretzels with Auntie Anna's.
32. We like snack.
33. Jensen likes making new friends.
34. We like learning about animals.
35.Abbie likes doing zoo snooze.
36.We like the song This Way Valerie
37.We like Gravy the ferret.
38. Abbie likes Smores.
39. We like Anthony Wayne Spirit of Giving.
40. We like playing Ghost In the Graveyard.
41. Abbie likes being funny.
42. We like selling GS.cookies.
43. We like eating GS cookies.
44. Sarah and Abbie like summer camp at Side Cut.
45. We like visiting GS camp outside our area.
46. We like cooking.
47. We miss Tad.
48. We like "Girl Scout Island".
49. We like camp names.

Friday, November 11, 2011

The Hunt Begins

Welcome to our blog.
We will be posting our activities this year to celebrate 100 yrs. of Girl Scouting.
The girls will be taking turns entering their memories of the year.
Please take a few minutes and post a comment.