Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Trees for Troops - Oct/Nov 2011

Every year the Little Turtle service unit participates in a program called Trees for Troops.  The local Whitehouse Christmas Tree farm supplies Christmas trees to our men and women fighting for our freedom overseas.  The girl scouts provide the decorations for these trees.  Collection boxes are set up in each school and any GS troop who wants to participate can make decorations, banners, cards, and any other items they want to be shipped in the boxes with the trees.

We did several things for Trees for Troops this year.  First we stayed after school with Ms. Baker our art teacher and made tin foil ornaments.  We invited the our two 5th grade troops to join us and 6 of them joined us.  We dedicated an entire troop meeting to making ornaments.  We made clothes pin snowmen, felt ornaments, cinnamon stick bundles, jumping jack ornaments, and huge paper chain garland.

The girls showing off their creations.

Lastly on a busy Sat morning, some of us joined all the other GS of Little Turtle and helped sort and pack the ornaments to be sent overseas.  Duke Wheeler who owns the farm, made it a great day with hot dogs, hot chocolate, bonfires, and all kinds of outdoor fun.  GS Troop 10931 wants to thank all the men and women who serve our country and allow us the freedom to be girl scouts.  THANK YOU

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