Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Toledo Food Bank - Oct 15, 2011

One of the requirement to earn our GS Leadership Award was to perform 6 hours of community service.  We dedicated 3 of these hours on a Sat morning to working at the Toledo Food Bank.   We learned how great the need was in our community.  The Toledo Food Bank is the main supplier of food for other small groups such as churches and after school programs.  We were charged with packing 100 calories packs into small 7 pound  boxes.  Each of us took a turn filling boxes and weighing them on the scale.  We started with having everyone try to fill the same box and then quickly discovered we could do more my packing our own box and putting the small box inside the big box.

We Packed 240# of Food!!
Abbie and Jensen gathering the last packs into the white boxes.
Sarah, Lauren, and Caitlyn carrying the filled boxes to the scale as Debbie fills them.

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